Wednesday, December 20, 2006

You Are Going to Hell

During my first year of Law School, Tom Griffith, now a federal judge, spoke to the first year students and told us, "You will probably make a lot of money when you graduate. If you spend it on yourself, you will definitely go to hell. Letting the young men and young women in your ward swim in your indoor pool once a year will not save you."

Not one to leave us depressed and miserable, he went on to give us the key to salvation. He said that you have to spend your time and your money "clothing the naked and feeding the hungry" if you want to save your soul.

I was a little bit dumbfounded by Griffith's speech. He couldn't really mean that a BMW 3-series was going to get me kicked out of heaven, could he?

I might be one of the few people who went to law school with the idea of making tons of money and, because of people like Tom Griffith, now plans on doing something else with his life.

But here's the problem: If I had $4 billion, I don't think I would be terribly optimistic about my ability to solve any of the world's problems. And believe me, the world has big problems. I don't want to get into all of them right now because it will give me a headache, and you will get so depressed that you will never read this blog again, but there are problems.

My wife doesn't spend much time thinking about big global problems. Her plan is to help the people around her as much as she can and let the rest of the world take care of itself. My wife is going to change the world for those people. Maybe I should be like her.

But, does anyone have any ideas?

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